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Positive Update xxx

Dear all

Welcome to my positive update this Wednesday.

Wow, what amazing weather we are having at the moment. I feel Mother Earth is just giving us a glimpse of how relieved she is that we have been forced to stop.

On a personal note I’m looking at every day through new eyes. I confess to not finding it easy like many of you. However, I want to share with you a few beautiful things to do each day to support your Mind, Body and Soul. 💗Turn off social media at least an hour before bed. Never go to bed on a negative. 💗Be grateful for at least 5 things every day, it’s easier than you think. 💗Sleep is so important. Calm the mind before bedtime. Take a lavender bath or just soak in some bubbles for 10 mins. 💗Take 5 deep breaths to calm the nervous system upon waking and before bedtime and anytime during your day. 💗Do something for a loved one, neighbour ie a text or better still a phone call. Staying in touch is so important especially for our mental health. 💗Remember those who live on there own. Kindness is the greatest act of humanity. 💗Smile and look at nature to raise your awareness of the true beauty of our amazing earth. 💗Care for yourself too. Take time to look after you! 💗Exercise will increase your physical mental and emotional health. The nitric workout on Youtube is amazing. I’ve been doing it since last September only 4 mins x 3 times a day! You CAN do this too, just make a commitment to yourself to improve your circulation and metabolism. 💗Eat high vibrational foods. The internet is so informative. 💗Supplementation High doses of vitamin c morning and evening. Probiotics is a good all round multi vitamin. Garlic. Super Green 16 powder. Boost your immune system and over all well being. 💗Take time to tune into positive people, read positive things and let your voice sing to raise your energy vibration. 💗Tell someone today how much you care. Tell them you love them with all your heart . See what that brings to there face. You can make the difference right now. 💗Enjoy peace even for 10 mins. Take a step outside and feel the sun on your face. Even if you don’t meditate just sit quietly and breathe. Send out your kind thoughts to heal the Earth 🌍 and those who walk on it. 💗Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Stay connected. 💗Listen to happy up lifting music and movies that make you laugh. Laughter releases happy hormones! Sending you all my positive, happy vibes and lots of love this Wednesday. Jane xxxx💗💙💘🌍

1 commentaire

Carola S
Carola S
25 mars 2020

Thank you Jane. Lots of really helpful tips xx

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